With the advent of Covid, I took the opportunity to embrace the isolation and have been writing a great deal. In Easter last year I managed to complete an entire draft.
I do find the first write through the most enjoyable. I don't stop for errors, I don't go back when I've changed my mind and I don't use a computer so that I am not tempted to do so.
Every first draft gets its own notebook, or two in this instance. If I have ideas throughout they go on the left page, if I need to visualise; I draw on the left page. If I want to add something; left page. The left page helps me build the story, characters and world in my mind. The right is where I write.
I'm onto my 5th draft now I think. It's all typed and gets reworked as I shape and hone the craft. I put it down for quite a white between drafts so that each time I approach it I do so with fresh eyes. With each draft I doubt and question whether it is good and why anyone would ever want to read it.
Then I remind myself that I am in a lock down and am reading the sides of pizza boxes to keep myself entertained.